Category Archives: Uncategorised


In my previous post, I showed an HDR shot I found in my image tidy-up and commented that I had used the tone mapping part of the software sparingly. This image, also found in my slow attempts to sort out my images, uses the tone mapping fairly heavily.

©️Dave Harcourt 2023, all rights reserved

Possibly, like many people, I started using HDR including tone mapping heavily as the “weird colours” were so different. However, I soon tired of them and now use it only to get into the darker parts of scenes.

Art or Ad?

I know most would say its a wine advert and not art, but I think the ad agency who did the advertising would not agree, its really quite striking to me aswell.

from FoodStuffSA

By the way the elephant’s closest living relative referred to, is Procavia capensis more commonly called a Dassie or Rock Rabbit in South Africa. This is based on a widely held belief that the elephant is the closest living relative of the Dassie, which is, however, not universally accepted as true.


Art at the House at Le Gros Chigy

Would you like to hang this in your home? In the meantime, you can email me and access

DaveH Photography Blog

This Blogger site from the mid-2000s makes general posts about things photographic based mainly on my own photography.

It also links to some other sites with some of my photographs

DaveHPosterart Online

This website publicises the large variety of posters available from DaveHPosterart along with the offer to develop unique and exclusive posters using their technologies with your photographs or photographs sourced to match your needs.

23/04/2021 – Keep Watching! or get the weekly email keeping you up to date.