Author Archives: DaveH


In my previous post, I showed an HDR shot I found in my image tidy-up and commented that I had used the tone mapping part of the software sparingly. This image, also found in my slow attempts to sort out my images, uses the tone mapping fairly heavily.

©️Dave Harcourt 2023, all rights reserved

Possibly, like many people, I started using HDR including tone mapping heavily as the “weird colours” were so different. However, I soon tired of them and now use it only to get into the darker parts of scenes.

Hide it or Crop it

This great photo by _Astroscape_ on Reddit Photocritique, which was taken during a shoot of the car in the middle was looked at by most comments as really being a shot of the Chateau.

Then the car becomes a distraction so needs to be removed by cropping or compositing. These were done quickly, especially the compositing which isn’t much good, maintaining the original aspect ratio.

Please tell us how you see them in a comment – ranking 1 to 4 would be mice.

all images by _Astroscape_ , all rights reserved and edited by digivu

1 Composited

2 Maximum height portrate crop

3 Full width landscape crop

4 Full width landscape crop

Keep watching here, we are hoping to gear up a bit!

Possible Edits of a Great Photograph

Changing the aspect ratio and cropping alter the character of this brilliant photograph by SurrealHallucination on Reddit. Of course there are many different aspect ratios and cropping possible – here are a few I like.

By SurrealHallucination on Reddit

Recrop of original by SurrealHallucination on Reddit

Recrop of original by SurrealHallucination on Reddit

Recrop of original by SurrealHallucination on Reddit

By the way I expanded the image using Snapped on iPad before cropping.

Standout Photos 4 – A Housefront in Cluny

I’m trying to understand what makes images that stand out for me unlike this one and whether this is the same for everyone.

©️Dave Harcourt 2022, all rights reserved

I have many photographs of old buildings in the cathedral town of Cluny in various states of repair and a range of finishes – this one seems to stand out. Is it because I took time to cut out all perspectives and cropping in on detail rather than getting the whole house, is it the colours or the shear ordinariness of the subject?

Why not use a comment to put your feelings down.

Possible Edits

original by silverarrowamg

Cropping and healing the foreground changes the character of the photo – depends if you like the new look and if you can do without the ice.